Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, March 14, 2025
The Times Are Coming, They Are Already Here. You Will Have to Be Faithful, Constant and Remain in My Word, the Only One That Is the Truth
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Christine in France on March 6, 2025

THE LORD - A time will come when all that is right will be considered false and men will deny the Scriptures and distort My Words, dressing them in Satan's deceit. The first destroyers will be those placed in the highest echelons of My Church; this church they are fostering is not Mine, it is the Destroyer's. What is happening in your time? What is happening in your time? Human power is taking possession of My dwellings (men) and distancing them from the Truth that I am. The Judases in My courts swarm and foment war, war against My Word, interpreting the Scriptures in the deceptive light of Satan, and letting in gall and discord. Do not listen to the new winds that come, which are only hurricanes and violent winds, storms and destruction. Quietly stand at a distance and abide in My Word.
What will happen to this generation? It chooses the ways of the Evil One. How can a divided Church bring peace and truth? I am the Truth who has brought you My Word of Truth. I have come to walk your paths to show you the way and the right way, but if the men of these times - men of the Church and men - deny My own Words that I have spoken, that I give to My souls destined to bring honey to the world and nourish souls with the nectar of the true Life that I am, then what will be left?
The times are coming, they are already here. You will have to be faithful, constant and remain in My Word, the only one that is the Truth. I am the Truth and the Life, whoever enters My courts finds the way, but whoever enters and denies My Word is deceived by Satan and is lost. Woe to you, O men! Those of My Church who lead you are taking the wrong path because they will lead many after them and lose them. Beware of these times of lies where impunity reigns. In silence, away from the world, children, follow in My footsteps, listen to My Word of Life and you will live, you will be in the Truth and you will be saved from the perverse and cunning liars. When the time comes, and it will come quickly - it's already here - don't be afraid, but work and pray in silence.
I was surprised that the Lord was coming so soon. He told me He would speak to me that night and I told Him so. But the times of evil hasten the pace.
THE LORD - Daughter, don't you see that you are in the darkness of the night of time? Your time sounds the death knell of the Light, or at least seeks to eradicate My Light. O poor men, foolish and arrogant, you want to appropriate what is not yours and you will fall together with the one you serve! Beloved children, call to prayer, My scattered children, come to My dwellings (Churches), recharge your batteries and near Me you will find refuge. I am the Refuge for your hearts, the Refuge for your souls and the living Source that brings you His Flame of Love. Children, I am the living Flame of Love in your hearts, I come to deposit in you the springtime of hearts and to sow My Word of Life in your souls.
Men have forgotten My way and walk in darkness, bringing destruction upon themselves. Do not follow in the footsteps of impostors; in silence and contemplation, come to the Refuge of My Heart and you will find the way. Daughter, everything will happen as it should. If man wants to go his own way, he will be lost, but if he comes to Me in silence, he will find refuge and be saved. What comes to you does not come from you, but from Me, I who dwell in every man. Whoever listens to Me enters My dwelling place, which is in him, as it is in everyone. All you have to do is open your heart when I knock on the door of the soul, and soul and heart, in one union, merge into Me.